MEDIUM post #1

William Xu
2 min readJan 24, 2022

Hello there, thanks for reading my post no. 1. Sorry for the delay as I was disconnected from civilization due to the strong wind on Friday. Took them 30~ hours to fix the internet but I can finally be connected to the world again. Now, please allow me to disconnect myself from civilization, once again, as I am going to be an Ainu person living through Japanese colonization.

For ages, my ancestors have been living on this land in peace, until when people from the south came and took it away. The Japanese came and exploited resources on our land. They claim the land as theirs and offered us help to “save” us from poverty. The Hokkaido Former Native protection Law promised us many benefits, such as medical treatment and free tuition, if we comply with the Japanese rule. We are been seen as “barbarians” and our cultures are been denied. They say the land is ownerless and claimed it for their emperor, while we have been living here the entire time. The land we lived on suddenly became their’s to use. We involuntary became subjects of the Japanese Regime. We had to study Japanese curriculum and live a life different than our own. We were doing just fine before they intervene. Hunting for food is how we feed ourself for centries, and we don’t need to “be saved”. Japanese came into our world without our consents, and they stayed while not been welcomed. Althogh we wanted them gone, we could only watch them take away our land for themself as we had no way to stop them.

